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A complete guide to digital transformation

Your complete guide to digital transformation, including what it is, why it matters, how to get started and how to do it right.

Person in suit walks down hallway while looking at cell phone.

2024 Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Artificial Intelligence

Explore Gartner’s analysis of a wide range of AI innovations, as well as the analyst firm’s predictions on which are likely to be the most transformative.
Which AI is most likely to pay off, and soonest? Review this Gartner report for insight.

6. Customer communication management

Improve the customer experience by embracing powerful tools for customer communication.

7. Collaboration

Enable sharing and collaboration without sacrificing control with simple, secure, easy-to-use ways of sharing information.

8. Case management

Effectively manage customer relationships, documents and processes with smart case management tools. Get a complete view of all the related, relevant information in a case while ensuring continuity, increasing productivity and optimizing collaboration.

9. Reporting and analytics

A single platform to manage date relationships, documents and processes can support the dynamic and often unpredictable processes involved in real-world operations.

10. Intelligent enterprise search

Quickly find the exact information you need, when you need it, even within the massive volume of content at your organization. High-powered and intuitive enterprise search capabilities allow you to access cross-system results, seamlessly and immediately.

11. Secure information governance

Automate the secure retention and destruction of documents and records from the beginning of the content lifecycle to the end. Reduce security and compliance risks with intelligent, automated and federated information governance.

How do you know your organization has the right culture for digital transformation?

Digital transformation thrives in organizations where modernization is prioritized, mistakes are seen as catalysts for growth, and the business is committed from the top down.

“When I’ve seen digital transformation go well, executives have been deeply involved,” says Vesikallio. “They provide clarity to the business case, remove barriers and play a key role in change management. Because a successful digital transformation involves just that — transformation — organizations and industries that are traditionally slower to adapt may face greater hurdles than those that have historically prioritized innovation and customer experience."

Digital transformation challenges

Here are three common digital transformation challenges to look out for:

1. Lack of clear vision

Approaching digital transformation without a business-aligned strategy or without big-picture drivers is a recipe for failure. Combat it by asking tough questions throughout the planning and implementation processes, like:

  • Why are we undergoing this transformation?
  • How will this transformation change the business?
  • How extensive could this transformation be in terms of changing job roles?
  • How extensive will this change be in terms of changing processes?

2. Trying to do too much, too fast

Successful digital transformations start small.

Trying to transform everything at once can be chaotic and more disruptive than helpful.

Try beginning with a process that should quickly and easily show ROI. Examples include:

The initial success and tangible ROI can make the entire vision much easier to sell to stakeholders.

3. Focusing only on technology, not on people

"People” often come up as the leading roadblock to successful digital transformation initiatives. Organizations that successfully overcome this challenge say the key to solving it is to get all relevant players' buy-in on the strategy of the transformation.

> Learn more | 70% of IT project implementations are not successful. Yours can be.

3 signs your digital transformation efforts are working

When you’ve been on your digital transformation journey for a significant amount of time but still feel like you have a long way to go, how can you measure your progress?

Look at how your organization interacts with its information. Here are three things to look for:

1. Content drives itself

When you have fully transformed, content will start to drive itself throughout the enterprise. Once captured into a central repository, it will find its way to the appropriate personnel, wherever they might be, with specific business criteria automatically pushing it through its journey.

At this stage, any predictable queries should be answered by technology. This includes questions like, “Who should this document go to for approval?” or “Is there a related document already in our systems?”

2. Content speaks to those who need it

A milestone on the digital transformation journey is when systems send notifications to the appropriate staff or audience when something has changed, such as someone submitting a form. Moreover, as someone needs to review or act on a piece of content, that content should find its way to that user — through notifications that give them all they need to complete the task at hand, including all related content.

3. Content transforms in accessibility

Digital information, meaning information stored in a computer rather than a filing cabinet, does not equal digital transformation.

Consider an old, handwritten contract that’s scanned, labeled correctly and stored as a PDF in a digital folder with other contracts from the same year. You can read it on your computer or other device, but you can’t extract the text, use it to find related contracts, or share it with a colleague without downloading the PDF and emailing it to them. The contract is available digitally, yes, but that’s about it.

A sign of a digitally transformative process is the accessibility and usability of information across formats and in different contexts. The solutions you use to foster your digital transformation should put context around content and utilize tools that make that content useful beyond storage in a repository. 

What comes after digital transformation?

Feeling good about your digital transformation initiatives?

We hope so! But no matter what, your transformation is never really complete.

Check the pulse on your digital transformation

Hyland's content services solutions are foundational to a modern digital transformation. Get tailored recommendation on the right technology tools for your organization, right now. Take the digital assessment.

Companies in the top quarter of workforce experience are typically 25% more profitable than competitors in the bottom quarter.

— Deloitte, Employee Experience: How to design a more engaging and productive Future of Work, 2021