What is hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation is not just a buzzword but a reality that transforms the way organizations do everything from capturing and extracting data to deploying business applications.

Person in blue button-down shirt works on laptop at a table.

Hyperautomation: Definition and why it matters

Hyperautomation is defined as a streamlined approach to automating business and IT processes organization-wide for more accurate, accelerated workflows. While automation involves the digitalization of a repetitive task without manual intervention, hyperautomation combines multiple automation tools and platforms to scale error-free efficiency. It includes the use of tools like artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA) and business process management (BPM).

Organizations are no longer burdened by repetitive, manual processes and inefficient legacy infrastructure. All business operations are optimized to deliver efficient results at reduced costs to provide a strong competitive edge in today’s data-driven environment.

Hyperautomation in today’s digital landscape

Hyperautomation is no longer an option for modern organizations. 

With the rapid development and deployment of different content service management, enterprises today are left with a patchwork of data silos from applications that don’t integrate with one another. This slows down operations, as simple processes become complex and time-consuming.

Hyperautomation eliminates inefficient processing by integrating all automated processes across legacy systems so communication can flow seamlessly throughout the organization.

Benefits include:

  • Streamlined operations: Optimizing business processes by eliminating repetitive tasks and automating manual ones to ensure consistency, accuracy and speed.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Reducing time-consuming manual tasks creates a digital workforce that empowers employees to focus on customer experience.
  • Integration: Integrating powerful analytical tools to accelerate processing creates an ecosystem of information workflow that helps employees work smarter.
  • Improved ROI: Delivering efficient outcomes and producing higher revenue and reduced costs with RPA and AI working together to scale operations.

Start the hyperautomation journey

  1. Identify workflow bottlenecks: Get insights on how existing operations and processes are executed. Identify gaps in efficiency and opportunities for digital process automation.
  2. Define outcomes: Prioritize the problems that can be solved. With quantifiable goals, organizations can accurately measure results and performance.
  3. Implement change management: Teams need full visibility on the benefits of investing in change. Encourage stakeholders to get involved by requesting suggestions and feedback.
  4. Evaluate workflow automation software: There are many variations of automation technology that might not serve an organization’s unique needs. Leverage strategic tools that can be scaled for expansion to other processes and departments. And consider factors like cloud operability, integration with existing systems and configuring workflows.

Deep Analysis shares economic study on Hyland's RPA software suite

Organizations can realize a 227% return on investment by implementing Hyland’s RPA platform, according to advisory firm Deep Analysis’ findings.

Optimize processing management

Leveraging automation tools is a critical step to addressing new business challenges and digital transformation initiatives. With Hyland’s integrated content services platforms, organizations are empowered with access to a range of automation tools that drive agility and speed to market:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI): Hyland’s intelligent capture technology leverages machine learning to recognize, extract and validate key data to speed up the decision-making process and eliminate the need for manual data entry.
  • Robotic process automation (RPA): With Hyland RPA, organizations enable a digital workforce, improve the user experience and accelerate digital processes with full visibility.
  • Business process management (BPM): Automated workflows and dynamic business activity monitoring are just a few of the process management tools that help organizations hit the ground running on the hyperautomation journey.

What makes Hyland unique in the world of hyperautomation?

Hyland’s enterprise information platform deploys a digital ecosystem of automated tools to enable a whole new level of organization-wide efficiency. With intelligent processing and optimized operations, organizations work smarter and adapt faster.


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