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Effortless access to essential information with Hyland Content Portal

Empower all the people you serve with 24/7 access to key information and streamlined workflows, directly in OnBase.

Two people smile and look at information on a laptop. There are two cups of coffee on the table.

In today's digital-first world, virtual interactions are the norm. Traditional methods of paper-based applications and forms cause delays and inefficiencies. And the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for streamlined digital services, especially when staff, customers and other key stakeholders are no longer within a stone’s throw of operations.

Hyland has partnered with Jadu to offer an integrated portal solution that delivers exceptional digital services. The Hyland Content Portal enables your people to conveniently self-service from any location on any internet-enabled device. With a modern and user-friendly portal experience, this solution seamlessly connects to Hyland's OnBase content services platform, providing comprehensive and efficient digital service delivery that benefits a range of departments and industries.

Benefits of the Hyland Content Portal powered by Jadu Central

  • Extended ROI of OnBase: Utilize the out-of-the-box functionality to surface data directly from your OnBase environment, empowering your staff to create nontechnical forms and enabling your developers to integrate back-office systems with Hyland Content Portal forms.
  • Expedited document validation and submission: Hyland Content Portal's e-forms facilitate quick and secure validation and submission of documents, workflows and data from any device directly into the OnBase platform. This seamless integration provides an easy and mobile-friendly way to present online forms, driving business efficiency.
  • Effortless access to essential information: The Hyland Content Portal enables users to build portal pages quickly and easily, requiring minimal technical experience. With its completely responsive design, the platform ensures an optimal user experience on any device, promoting effective and effortless access to essential information.
  • Always-on self-service delivery: Enjoy the benefits of 24/7/365 self-service delivery with personalized content retrieval for each user. The Hyland Content Portal empowers individuals to access the information they need, whenever they need it, improving productivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Customized design functionality: Tailor the portal's design to match your organization's branding with custom design functionality. This ensures a seamless user experience, reinforcing your brand identity throughout the user journey.

Integration with WorkView

The Hyland Content Portal also seamlessly connects with Hyland's WorkView, further enhancing its capabilities. WorkView enables organizations to manage case-based processes, providing a unified platform for data-driven decision-making and streamlined workflows.

How can you leverage Hyland Content Portal?

  • Higher education: Empower university and college students with a user-friendly portal solution that allows them to view and interact with data stored in OnBase. Enable seamless form submission to power student-related processes, revolutionizing administrative tasks.
  • Government: Automate the processing of Freedom of Information Act requests for city, state, federal government and public institutions, resulting in substantial financial and resource savings. Transition from traditional paper or PDF forms to interactive and dynamic web forms accessible on any device, simplifying information retrieval and request handling.
  • Accounting and back office: Enhance collaboration with vendors and partners by providing a secure portal for information sharing, request status tracking, documentation access, and form submission. Connect seamlessly with existing OnBase workflows, enabling streamlined processing and faster customer service.

In today's fast-paced and digitally driven world, the Hyland Content Portal powered by Jadu Central offers a powerful solution to simplify access to critical information and streamline workflows. With its seamless integration with the OnBase content services platform and additional capabilities through integration with WorkView, the Hyland Content Portal empowers organizations to enhance productivity, improve service and drive overall operational efficiency.