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8 Reasons to modernize with a content services platform

Top reasons why you should modernize your existing ECM system — and how a platform approach creates future-proof solutions to longstanding problems.

After 20 years of enterprise content management (ECM), organizations still face many of the same challenges with finding and managing information. Today, financial services firms have an important decision to make: Continue down the path of legacy ECM or modernize with a content services platform. 

In this guide, intended for transformation and IT leaders in banking and insurance, we will answer the following questions and more:

  1. Why hasn’t ECM been able to solve the problems it set forth to solve over two decades ago?
  2. How can a platform-based approach better solve modern content challenges?
  3. How can financial services firms minimize the risks of modernization and future-proof their infrastructure?

With a modern content services platform, your organization can use and combine API-based microservices as the building blocks to easily and quickly deploy new applications and adapt to an evolving technology stack. Hyland's Nuxeo Platform lets you swap out these building blocks when your needs change or a new service evolves, without the need to alter custom codebases.

Download the guide to learn more.