Jenzabar integration

Maximize the value of your Jenzabar investment with Hyland’s integration with Jenzabar’s Student Information Systems.

Key Benefits


Empower end users to make efficient and confident decisions

Hyland’s integration with Jenzabar makes your key departmental processes quicker, more accurate and easier to accomplish.

Guarantee data delivery to protect Jenzabar as the system of record

Hyland’s Integration for Jenzabar provides real-time delivery of data to the Jenzabar solutions users rely on without the need to check multiple systems.

Provide single-click access to the complete digital record

Hyland captures, stores and indexes documents with information from Jenzabar providing users access to student data by simply clicking a button within the Jenzabar interface.

Empower your people to deliver their best with Hyland

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