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Nuxeo digital asset management (DAM) for apparel

Streamline product development and marketing with AI-powered insights.

The apparel industry today is facing an evolving and highly competitive retail landscape — highlighted by fast-paced trends, an increasing demand for sustainability and the need for effective, targeted product marketing strategies.

Without a robust digital asset management system to support the product development process, apparel companies risk missing out on opportunities to respond promptly to market shifts.

Hyland’s Nuxeo Platform provides an AI-driven solution that can help apparel companies manage their portfolios with ease while gaining crucial insights into product trends. Developed with both marketing and product development in mind, Nuxeo DAM serves as a single source of truth for all your digital assets needs.

Download this overview to learn more about Nuxeo DAM for apparel companies.


Companies lose 33% of their after-tax profit on average from shipping products six months late, as compared to losses of only 3.5% when they overspend by 50% on product development.

— Classic McKinsey study
