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XEDIT makes it possible to edit every file format online from Alfresco, besides the well-known out of the edit-in-Word capability. The big advantage this entails is that there is no need for a user to manually download a file, edit it locally to finally upload the file as a new version. This is a cumbersome process that requires a lot of time and is error-prone. And more important, it results in user resistance instead of user adoption of ECM systems.

XEDIT solves this problem and ensures that the process of editing files is simplified. XEDIT can be invoked with a document action button within Alfresco Share, ADF or other Front End Applications. The document will automatically open in the native application and can be edited there. Saving within the specific native application or closing the application provides a new version of the file within Alfresco. This applies to all content edit applications that edit file formats such as e.g. BIM, CAD, MS Project, Archimate and others.

Solution Benefits

  • Edit files easily without manual steps
  • Realize a massive boost in user adoption
  • Files are locked during editing
  • Optimal flexibility
  • No worries about checking out and version management, this is completely automated
  • Integrate with all content edit applications, yes also those exotic ones.