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FOIA Service Request Management

Armedia has partnered with ArkCase, Alfresco, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ephesoft and Snowbound to deliver a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) case management solution that is highly configurable, intuitive, scalable and compliant.

Armedia offers a workflow‐driven, web‐based FOIA solution designed to help organizations automate, analyze, manage, and quickly reply to incoming FOIA requests. The incoming web requests and hard copy FOIA requests are captured and ingested into the ArkCase application, routed to the appropriate queue for processing, packaged and delivered, and automatically declared as business records.

Business Challenges:

There are delays and lack of response to citizen’s request for information (privacy act information and FOIA information) due to current Government and States use of a manual process, emails, spreadsheet, or antiquated system to handle and distribute the information.

In addition, there is a FOIA/PA law mandated by the US Government - more info available at

Solution Benefits:

The FOIA Service Request Management solution from Armedia based on the Alfresco platform provides following benefits:

  • Automates the process for Government or States to validate requests from citizens, collect the information, redact any sensitive information, perform legal review, process payment, and distribute the information.
  • Provides annual reporting, audit, and records management.
  • Support government in meeting the US Presidential 2019 mandate (managing government records directive) – all government records need to be managed in electronic records management system.